Let God Intervene
You may have many plans in your mind, and you wanted to fulfill the desires that God planted in your heart, but please don’t do it alone. Let God intervene and allow Him to help you. Maybe you are trying your best to glorify His name, and you feel so pressured inside because you think that you are too weak to do the things that God wants you to do. But you don’t have to make it on your own. Treat God as your partner, and He will lift up the heavy burdens you feel inside. Give God the chance to perform miracles in your life. Let Him move, and you will be amazed because He will give you enough strength along the process. Acknowledge the power of God in your life, and learn to seek Him first in everything that you do.
Let God mess up your plans. If you think that what’s happening around you is very different from what you have in mind, then maybe God is just redirecting you to the right path. If you can’t understand your situation, then perhaps He is trying to lead you to the plans that He has been preparing for you all this time. Sometimes, God will use your experiences to make you realize that there really things in life that you can never control. The best thing that you can do is trust in His ways. Give God some space in your heart where He can move and do His thing. Do not limit His power in your mind. He can still perform great miracles in your life.
Learn to surrender everything to God. He cares for you. Maybe you are just scared about your future. That’s why you are trying your best to control your life situation. But the truth is, you can’t do it on your own. You need the power of God to help you. Just pray for a humble heart that’s always willing to accept the ways of God. He moves in ways we can never comprehend. There are moments when we feel the pain, but that simply means what God is doing is really important. It hurts at first, but one day, it will all make sense.
Your moments with God makes the journey worth it. Your experiences with him are the reason why you grow and mature on the inside. Allowing God to move doesn’t mean that you will just stop making plans for the future. You just need to include Him in all of your decisions and, above all, trust Him every time He makes some changes. Because at the end of the day, He is simply doing everything for your own good.