Self Development

Let God Reveal To You The Deepest Pain In Your Heart

Do not be afraid if God wants you to face the darkest moment in your life. It simply means that He wants to set you free from the bondages that hinder you from pursuing the things that He planned for you. Let Him reveal to you the issues of your heart. And only then will you grow into a better person. You may feel so scared every time you think of the bad things that happened in your life, but let God replace your fears with His great love. Just give Him the chance to move and stop closing your heart. Yes, you can’t help but ask so many questions to Him. But learn to increase your faith because everything that He will be doing in your life is greater than the pain your feel inside.

Pray for a humble heart to acknowledge the deepest pain in your life. You will always find it hard to overcome your heart’s issues if you hesitate to accept them. Sometimes, we tend to deny what we truly feel inside because we simply don’t have the courage to face the truth. But if you will just keep on finding ways to escape, then the pain will always come back in your life no matter how much you try to ignore it. So while you still have time, choose to face it with God. You will never be alone along the journey.  He will give you enough strength, and you can make it.

God wants to heal you. He doesn’t want to see you so broken on the inside. He has great plans for your life, and He wants you to experience the fullness of His blessings. So stop running away from the things that caused you pain. Hold the hands of God and face it. Know that He will never leave your side. Let Him teach you the specific pain that you need to overcome. Remember that everything that He is doing is for your own good. Just choose to increase your faith and believe in His goodness.

He is preparing you to receive great blessings in life. Everything that He is doing is just a preparation for what’s coming. So be patient and know that you can do all things as long as you have God by your side. Allow Him to move and let Him mold your heart. Sometimes, you will go through pain along the process, but trust that God will provide you with enough grace.