
Let God Teach you how to Deal with your Troubles

You can’t always avoid troubles. Whether you like it or not, you will encounter them in unexpected moments. And sometimes, instead of taking you out of that mess, God will teach you how to deal with it. When that season comes, all you need to do is open your mind and pray for a teachable heart so that you will internalize the lessons behind the circumstances you are in. Always remember that God is willing to guide and lead you to the right path. He may allow troubles to happen, but He knows that you can overcome them with His help.

Choose to rely on His wisdom and stop listening to your own voices. You may think that you know the answers, but you really don’t have the assurance that what you have in mind is the perfect solution to your problems. That’s why consult Him by meditating on His word. Study His principles, and you will figure things out. The Holy Spirit will lead you as long as you allow Him. Surrender to God all your negative thoughts and let Him renew your mind.

Acknowledge the truth that God alone knows what’s the best thing to do. He orchestrated this world. It means that He knows where to find the right resources that will help you solve your problems. Aside from that, He sees what’s ahead. He can give you the wisdom that you need as long as you allow Him to reign in your life.

God acknowledges your free will. He will wait until you learn to choose Him over the pleasures that you can get in this world. You will keep on making the wrong decision if you will follow your own understanding. You need to consider the important things first, and God can reveal them to you. Let your steps be rooted according to His principles. He knows how this world works, so trust in Him.

Align your decisions to God. Remember His words so that you will know the things that will glorify His Name. Do not let your emotions dictate your actions. Sometimes, when we feel so troubled inside, we allow fear to consume our thoughts, and that’s where bad decisions start to arise. Surrender what you feel to God and acknowledge His will.

Your emotions can help you discover the hidden wounds within, but sometimes, you can’t trust them. So instead of allowing the pain to reign, let the love of God remind you to keep walking on the right path. Let His grace lead you to trust in His ways. You may not always understand His plans, but if you only choose to keep walking in His presence, you will realize that what He has in mind is greater than what you can perceive.

If God didn’t take you out of that trouble, then it means that He wants you to face them. Behind that obstacle is a lesson that will take you to the place that God prepared. So be patient and stay in His presence. Allow Him to guide you and know that He will give you the strength that you need. Just learn to be a faithful student. Take note of the lessons so that you can pass His test. Keep them in your heart so that you will be able to apply them when the right time comes.

Do not treat your problems as something that will destroy and break you. Instead, use them as a stepping stone for you to discover the great things that God prepared. Behind every trouble are opportunities for you to experience a complete transformation. You just need to be humble and allow God to be your teacher.