Let God teach you how to Value your Peace and Worth
God wants you to experience the kind of peace and worth you deserve. He wants you to know how loved you are. His peace and kindness always wait for you. Treasure His word and promises like no one can take it away from you. Nourish what He promised from the start, and let that give you the courage to go on and fulfill your purpose. Know that He is always available for you. He has the time and the resources that you need. He even holds the love that no one else can give. Remember that you can always run to Him and cry for everything. Know that He is never the last option, but let God be your first in everything, and you will see how things come together.
You deserve to experience peace in yourself. No one can direct your life better than you and Him together. So, instead of living to just satisfy other people, let God be your priority. Move and live according to His purpose. It is good to live for those you love, but to serve them better, that love should start within you.That is why it is crucial to always know how and to whom you will find peace. It will teach you how to reflect on your life. It could teach you how to be grateful for what you receive. It will show you how blessed you are. Let God lead you on how to value that peace. Through that, love can quickly grow in you and it naturally flows to those you love.
Have the courage to choose yourself and what would be good for you. Your joy and happiness depend entirely on you and within you. No one else holds your choices other than yourself. Let God help you discover your importance. Don’t plant within yourself the things that can only destroy your self-worth and value. You are more than that. When you know how valued you are, you will find yourself humbled. It will make you realize that after all this time, it wasn’t just because of your hard work but because of His love for you. All these that you must go through are not just to be appreciated and noticed by the people around you but because God wants you to experience more of this life.
Just know that you can always find peace with God. He is your maker, and He knows you way more than anyone else in your life. He wants you to experience the fullness of life and its natural beauty. He wants you to see how His grace works. Above all, He wants you to know how much He loves you. And His love will only be much visible once you open yourself to His peaceful presence and let that peace reign in your heart.
So, root your identity in God because no one can steal it from Him. He will protect that peace in you and always give it to you whenever you need it. It is always available through Him. Learn to accept and receive the things that God wants you to experience. Expect joy but also acknowledge pain and brokenness. Learn from what happened and receive more of it in the future. God will provide you so much that you can always bathe in His never-ending blessings.