Let God’s Grace Teach you how to be Humble
Open your heart and receive the grace of God. Acknowledge the truth that you can never save yourself from the fires of hell. Your efforts will be in vain if you will just rely on your own strength. You need the precious blood of Jesus to purify you from your sins. Treat Him as your Savior, and only then will you realize that there’s nothing that you can boast in the presence of God. Every blessing that you receive comes from Him. Every victory you experienced is all because of His favor and goodness. Yes, you exerted some effort, but God is still in charge at the end of the day, and He can do whatever He wants. That’s why what you have right now is because of His grace. You may think that you worked hard for it, and you deserve to receive the blessings you have, but God knows what lies ahead. He alone can make you feel secured and protected.
His grace will give you a humble heart to accept the truth that you need God in your life. It teaches you to trust in Him despite all the struggles you face. There are times when you tend to forget Him because you think you can do things on your own. But the moment you go through difficulties, you will realize that you need the love of God to sustain you all throughout the journey. When you experience failures, you will learn that you are imperfect, and you need His wisdom to guide you along the way. That’s why grace is very important because it will remind you to acknowledge His sovereignty in your life.
God’s goodness and grace will lead you to obey Him. When you accept the truth that you don’t know everything, you will no longer rely on your own understanding. Instead, you will choose to consult and ask Him about the best thing to do. You will no longer make decisions on your own. Instead, you will acknowledge the will of God in your life. His grace will inspire you to follow His will even if you can’t understand what’s going on.
This life is not just about living for yourself. But it’s about living for God and allowing Him to reign in your heart. When you let Him be the King of your life, you will also learn to depend on His grace and mercy. You will stop thinking about your own effort and strength. Instead, you will learn to let Him rule in your life. God will be the one who will change your heart.