Let Love lead you to the Right Decision
You will go through moments when you need to make serious decisions that will affect your future. In those times, your philosophy in life will be tested. You will be challenged to either listen to what your flesh wants or what God wants for you. That’s why you need to remember His love because it’s what will keep you stay rooted in His will. Love is like a light that will lead you to the arms of God. It’s what will keep you strong and motivated. So when the situation that you face forces you to make difficult decisions, then may you have the courage to always choose love above all else. It’s not an easy thing to do because, most of the time, you will be required to give up your own desires just for you to release the love of God. But in those moments, just keep in mind that love always win.
Love is not just a feeling. If you align it according to the principles of God, you will realize that it’s also about sacrifice and pain. Love is all about commitment and trust. Many times, love will lead you outside your comfort zone. It will push you to do the things that you never tried before. It will help you grow and become a better person. That’s why those who love are someone who consistently makes an effort to improve themselves from the inside out. And if you will use it as your basis in every decision that you make then you will surely find yourself flourishing in God’s presence.
Always choose love. When you are bombarded by so many things, and you find it hard to figure out the next thing to do, then try to ask yourself. Which decision leads me to love? How can I make this difficult moment an opportunity for me to love and serve the people around me? In asking these questions, you will be able to easily see the things that will help you grow. Love will never fail. It may lead you to experience pain, but it’s always worth it in the end. The more you love, the more you will experience who God truly is. And it’s the best decision that you can make.
Remember that love is one of the currencies of heaven. If you want to experience eternity with God, then you need to receive His love and learn to share it with others. A man without love is like a tree with no deep roots. It will easily be swayed by the strong winds and heavy rains. It will never bear lasting fruit. So try to review the pattern of your decision making process. Are you doing it out of fear? Or out of love? How did you come up with better choices? Did you learn to listen to God? Did you choose to love?