Let other People’s Mistakes give you the Chance to Love Them
Humans are not perfect, and living a life without pain is impossible. Simply because you don’t have the power to control other people’s behavior. You will just feel so frustrated if you keep expecting others to do the things that you want. Accept the truth that those you love have the tendency to commit mistakes and sometimes break your heart. But that doesn’t mean you just stop loving them. When they did something wrong, treat it as an opportunity for you to accept them as who they are. But there’s an exemption. When it comes to abuse may it be physical, verbal, or emotional, then you really need to let that person go and love them from afar. And if a certain mistake will not destroy your well-being, then just try to encourage the person to be better.
Acceptance is one of the keys for you to live a peaceful life. Acknowledge the truth that people do commit mistakes. Remember that just like you, they are also growing and learning. They still need to figure things out, and there will be moments when you will be affected by the consequences of their decisions. It may be hard to accept things as they are, but that’s how you can move forward and receive peace. Just focus on the grace of God and remember what He did in your life. He accepted you despite all your lapses. Just do the same thing to others. Do it to glorify God and choose to honor His name even if it hurts.
Sometimes, true love will only exist when there is pain. You will never know how much you love certain people if your relationship with them is not tested. When you go through those moments when you find it hard to accept what they did, you will realize what love means. It’s about giving others the chance to grow and become a better version of themselves. Being in a relationship takes a lot of effort and sometimes heartbreaks, but if you are intentional enough to make it work, you will certainly see each other’s growth. And that is what makes the relationship more meaningful.
Ask for God’s help. If you think it’s hard for you to do it, then allow Him to teach you how to truly love others. Forgiveness needs to come first before you learn to accept them as who they are. So, let Him take you on a journey of discovering His power and mercy. The process may sometimes take longer, but just be patient and trust in Him, especially in moments when you can’t understand what’s happening. Rely on God, and one day, you will learn to love the people around you despite the frustrating things they did.