
Let The Brokenness You Feel Lead You Closer To The Heart Of God

You always have a choice. You can let the pain inside consume your heart, or you can choose to rely on the strength of God. The brokenness that you feel can lead you back to the arms of your loving Father. It will push you to trust in His heart. Instead of thinking about so many what if’s in life, try to ask God about the lesson that He wanted you to learn in this season. You will fail to appreciate His ways if you will just fully rely on your own understanding. Let God change the way you think, and He will reveal to you the treasures behind the pain you are facing. Choose to trust in Him even if you can’t understand everything.

The good thing about what you are going through right now is you will realize that only God can fully satisfy your heart. The pain may be so deep, but when you experience God’s healing, the wounds will become a powerful reminder of God’s great power and grace. God will give you enough courage. You will experience His love, and you will be amazed because He will perform miracles in your life. You just have to be humble in His presence and acknowledge the truth that you need Him. Learn to surrender the pain and let Him mend the broken pieces of your heart.

Sometimes, the brokenness inside is God’s way of telling you that you need to give up the things that hinder you to fully trust in Him. He wants you to realize that this world is not perfect, and it can never fully satisfy the emptiness you feel inside. He alone can redeem you from the darkness. All you have to do is have faith and choose to trust Him even if you can’t see what He is doing. We can never comprehend the ways of God. He is too big and powerful. What we can do is to fully depend on Him because He simply holds everything together.

Following God will never be a comfortable journey. He needs to purify and prune us so that we will be able to produce fruit. And pain is always part of the process. It’s better to be broken than to live life outside the will of God. Treat this moment as an opportunity for you to get to know His heart. Let your faith be greater than the pain you feel inside.



    Indeed , In the presence of God we can find rhat we are safe and satisfaction of his Great Love.Also a reminder for me that let my Faith be bigger than my pain .
    Amen 😇