Self Development

Let the Challenges in your life Transform you into a Better Person

You will experience problems as long you live in this broken world. No matter what you do, you will go through situations that will test your character. And in every hardship is a chance for you to see a bigger perspective. When that happens, your mind will no longer revolve around your selfish desires and your emotions. Instead, you will learn to consider the will of God and the welfare of other people. In short, you will slowly become a better person.

Just keep in mind that not all challenges will break your heart. Some of them can make you even stronger. So hold on and don’t easily quit. Know that God allowed them to happen so that you will grow in His presence. You won’t see it for now, but one day, you will be amazed by how God transformed your heart. You just have to learn how to properly manage the circumstances that you encounter.

Change the way you see your problems. Maybe you find it hard to overcome your situation because you treat it as bigger than God. Know that He is more powerful than anything else. Instead of focusing on the difficulties, why not set your eyes on the lesson that God wants you to learn. Try to reflect on the journey you have right now and list down the things you can change. Aside from that, focus on the positive things happening inside of you. Look at the hands of God and remember the miracles that He did in your life. You won’t experience a more intimate moment with Him if you don’t face challenges. So treat them as a perfect opportunity for you to grow in His presence.

You need to go through certain experiences so that you will be transformed from the inside out. It’s not just about what you learned or the knowledge and skills you have, but it’s about the difficulties you experienced that shaped your heart. Those situations gave you the chance to discover your identity in the Lord. If not because of those painful moments, maybe you still focus on yourself.

Your experiences are valuable because they give you the strength to fight the battles that come your way. It serves as a wonderful way for God to build a strong foundation deep inside. Yes, it’s not an easy path to take, but as long as you are eager enough to grow and be better, your life will surely prosper. How you deal with the challenges will affect the kind of fruit you will bear in the future.

Know that you can’t completely transform yourself. You need divine intervention to make it happen. Focus on God and keep your eyes on His grace. Allow Him to shape you according to His ways and not according to your plans. You need to acknowledge His sovereignty in your problems. If you just rely on your own understanding, you will find it hard to see the blessings behind the circumstances you are in, but if you learn to consult God, you will see your situation as an opportunity to know your Creator. You will look at your challenges as God’s way of leading you to His arms.