Let The Size Of Your Dreams Reflect The Power Of God In Your Life
Dream big. Choose to desire for more. Continue to grow in the arms of God and let the size of your dreams remind you that you have a big God who can do the impossible things. Dreams are free so never limit God in your life. Look forward to the great things to happen. He is faithful enough to lead you to the place where you can experience the fullness of this life. Use your time here on earth to glorify God and make His name known. Receive the best plans He prepared for you and pray for a heart that’s always willing to keep the faith even if there are a lot of uncertainties. If you believe that God is the creator of this universe, then He can command His angels to help you fulfill the dreams you have in your heart.
You are a child of God. It simply means that you can do something for Him. His plans for you are greater than what your mind can comprehend. So never stop dreaming about the things that you hoped to happen. By faith, receive the favor and opportunities from God, and someday you will get there. Remember that you are not alone in this journey. God will equip you. He will bless you with enough resources. He will provide along the way. Just don’t limit His power in your life. Because the truth is, you are destined to experience more of God’s love and power. All you need to do is to open your heart and let Him reign inside.
When you have bigger dreams, you also condition yourself to receive those things from your loving Father. You know where you are headed. And by faith, you will start to act and make decisions according to what you have envisioned in mind. There may be times when your faith will be tested along the journey, but all you need to do is declare and believe that God will lead you to the best place that He prepared for you. Your Heavenly Father is so powerful, so don’t miss this opportunity to experience more of Him in your life.
Maybe you already stopped hoping for great things to happen because you think that it’s too impossible. But remind yourself over and over again who God is in your life. He is not deaf nor blind. He knows what’s best for you, and He will give it to you according to His perfect timing. Just continue to abide in His ways and believe with all your heart that you are destined to complete an important mission here on earth.

Thank you God for those beautiful words and reminding me that you look after me
Thank you God for those beautiful words and reminding me that you look after me
And more
Julie Callison
Amen Praise God