
Let this Pain Lord lead me to Receive Your Love

I once thought walking with You would save me from troubles and pain. I wanted to follow You so that I will no longer experience unexpected tragedies that will break me in the end. I thought that being with You meant living a life without pain. But little did I know that what I believed was only a half-truth principle. Since I started to treat you as my King, my life didn’t immediately change. I was faced with the hard reality that I needed to conquer the consequences of my wrong choices. It was not easy. There will be days when I just wanted to quit and do my own thing. Many times, I was tempted to take the shortcut and forget about the fruits of my actions. But little did I know, the difficult seasons of my life became the turning point that I didn’t also expect to experience. It turned out that following you is like going through the hard roads, at the same time learning expensive lessons that slowly changed me into a better person.

So as I go through another pain in this imperfect world, Lord, please teach me how to overcome this without forgetting your goodness. I know for sure that behind this unbearable brokenness is a hidden blessing that you wanted to pour out to me. But right at this moment, Lord, I just can’t see the blessings that you promised. My vision is too dark to the point that I no longer see the future that you declared in my life. I know that your plans are good, but I don’t know how to hold on to that truth and, at the same time, carry the pain within. It seems too impossible for me to keep my faith while patiently acknowledging the wounds in my heart.

Please lead me to the right mindset. Maybe I’m just listening to my own understanding, and that’s why I can’t fully receive your instructions. So give me a heart that’s willing to follow your voice. It may not be that easy, but I know that you are powerful enough to change me from the inside out. Give me the courage to accept the truth even if it hurts. Give me a reason to still follow you, Lord. I can’t do this on my own. I’m too weak to face this situation. I badly need you in the midst. Lord, please move.

Open my heart for more of your love. I can’t understand what’s happening, Lord. But I know that your love can rescue me. Your grace is powerful enough to sustain me. So teach me how to accept it without any hesitations. It’s so difficult to receive your care because it seems too impossible for me to believe that perfect love exists. In a world full of pain and unexpected events, it’s hard to see things according to your perspective. But I know that your love is more powerful than anything else.