Let your Beauty come from the Inside
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.
1 Peter 3:3-4, NIV
When we are too exposed to social media, we tend to compare our beauty according to what we see. We follow the standards of this world and fail to appreciate the things that matter most in life. So if you feel so insecure about how you look or about the shape of your body, then always remember what God’s word said. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment. It’s not about what other people see on the outside, but it’s a matter of heart and spirit. That kind of beauty will never fade, and it’s so valuable in the eyes of God. Do the things that please Him, and focus on what you can do to honor His name.
Let God’s word change the way you see things. Renew your mind and do not listen to what other people are saying. You may think that beauty lies in what others see in you, but it’s more in how God sees you. He looks at your heart and soul because that’s the most important thing you should work on. When you read the Bible, you will be reminded about how God deals with His children. You will realize that He appreciates what’s on the inside rather than the way they look. Jesus even touched the man with leprosy and healed Him. He never looked at how filthy the man was. Instead, He reached out His hands and was filled with compassion. You see, that’s how Jesus moves. He focused on the inside.
Look deeper and develop your character first. Ask God about the things that you need to do for you to become a better person. Try to know yourself more so that you will see the areas that you need to change. You can only do that if you have the humble heart to accept the truth that you need to learn so many things in life. Be teachable and obedient. Yes, it’s not easy. But the moment you learn to value the things that are important to God, you will also appreciate His blessings and love. Work on yourself and focus on the things that will bring glory to your heavenly Father.
You are unique and special. So stop comparing yourself to others. Open your heart for God’s love, and you will realize that God gave you talents and gifts which you fail to appreciate. You can only live this life to the fullest as long as you learn to treasure and love the things that God provided for you. Start on the inside, and everything else will follow.