His Word

Let’s Not Discredit The Works Of God In Other People’s Life

Certain people came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the believers: “Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved.”

Acts 15:1, NIV

A group of Jewish Christians came down from Judea to Antioch and tried to impose their customs on the Gentiles, who had a different cultural background. They don’t believe that these new believers were saved not unless they are circumcised. They wanted them to follow the customs that Moses taught. It seemed like this group of Christians discredited the grace that God poured out to the Gentiles, and they tried to insist that they should follow the law.

Have you ever met people who somehow discredit the works of God because their standards haven’t met? People who were trying to impose their own wisdom and knowledge. Now, the early church, especially the Gentiles also experienced these kinds of people. It’s sad, but sometimes, we need to be aware of ourselves so that we may not fall in this kind of trap.

It’s crucial to recognize that these Jewish Christians and the Gentiles followed different traditions, with the latter being unfamiliar with the laws they upheld. However, in the face of these differences, God’s grace was not selective. It extended to both the Jews and the Gentiles, emphasizing that our salvation is not determined by adherence to the law, but by our faith.

It’s a vital lesson for all of us to remember. We must refrain from discrediting the works of God in other people’s lives. We should not confine Him within the boundaries of our customs and traditions. Instead, we should seek His guidance, relinquishing our reliance on our own understanding. Above all, we should prioritize His will.

Lastly, we are saved by faith and not by works. God saved us not because we follow certain laws and traditions. Instead, it’s by His grace and His love that we are still given the chance to receive His gift of salvation.

Prayer: Loving Father, we thank you for saving us from our sins. Thank you for leading us close to your heart. Please remind us that it was all because of grace that we are saved. Give us a heart that’s willing to welcome other people especially those who came from different cultural backgrounds or traditions. Teach us how to serve and love them with all our hearts. Purify our motives that we may end up glorifying your Name. This we ask and pray. In Jesus’ name. Amen.  

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