
Letting Go In The Presence Of God Will Never Make You Feel Empty

There are moments in life when God wants us to surrender the things that keep us away from Him. Sometimes, we hesitate to give up those things because we are afraid that we might feel empty. We think that letting go of certain people or things in our life will make us feel lost and broken inside. And now, this is a great reminder for all of us. If God asks you to surrender something, then it simply means that He prepared better blessings. And all you need to do is trust in His ways and stop relying on your own understanding. He will never make you feel empty and lost. If you put God at the center of your heart, then you will always receive more than you could’ve asked for.

Let go, and let God surprise you. Yes, it hurts, and it’s not an easy thing to do. You will experience separation anxieties, and you think that you can’t make it without them. You may find it hard to do it, but let God give you the strength you need. Give up the things that are not meant for you, and God will replace them with something that your mind can never comprehend. You will always be safe as long as you keep your faith in Him. Remember that you are not alone, and you can always trust in His goodness.

When you release something that is not meant to stay in your life, then you are giving yourself the chance to experience the fullness of God’s blessings. This is your opportunity to receive the things that God prepared for you all this time. Remember that He will never force you. He will wait until you are ready to let go. God is so patient with you because He never wants you to perish. He wants you to stay in His arms. You may think that the pain that you feel in letting go of the things that you used to have is just too deep, but it can never compare to what He prepared for you all this time.

Behind your act of surrender are great blessings that God wants you to receive. He will never waste your tears. He knows your heart, and He will redeem you from the brokenness that you feel inside. God is going to make things new in your life. But you need to open your heart so that He can move and perform miracles. Allow Him to take good care of you, and He will give you the best things in life.


  • Timothy R. Berman

    I am coming to understand that when we surrender to God – it is one of absolute commitment. We need to first come a place of humility as ego (or our carnal mind) operates out of pride. There is a part of each one of us that wants to maintain some autonomy and independence. What we are asked to do is give ourselves completely over to God’s will and care for us. Not just for a moment. It is a decision, that I am finding out, is a daily commitment. I don’t believe many people fully comprehend this. Surrender is not something we do in a moment. It is something we do every day. It is a process and a discipline.

    Thank you for sharing this.

  • Pasia miriam

    Thank you so much you inspired m alot…
    God always give me some in couraging mssge every time you post some mssge thank youbso much nd Godbless to al