Life is Hard, but it’s Beautiful
Life is not perfect. Many times, you need to shed your tears. There are days when you feel happy and excited, but there are also moments when you are bombarded by problems. It’s like going through a cycle. Sometimes, you are at the top, but there are days when you need to go down. It’s not going to be easy. Life itself will challenge you to grow. It will lead you to places you never expect. Life is hard. Pain is real, but so is love. There may be times when you are troubled, but the difficult roads that you are traveling will lead you to a better place. And it’s going to be worth it. Life is still beautiful in the end. It’s worth living for simply because the One who created it is perfect and good.
Let the messy seasons lead you to appreciate God’s promises. Allow Him to coach and mentor you. It means that you need to humble yourself and ask for His instructions. You need to wait for His guidance. Things will be so overwhelming if you will just focus on the negative situation that you are in. You need to learn how to exercise your faith because it’s what will rescue you from the darkness. His light is always there. You just need to call upon His Name and trust His great love for you. Your season may appear so messy, but when you look back, you will see that God perfectly planned everything.
Take the hardships as part of the journey. It’s part of the long process. You need to accept it, and only then will you learn to slowly manage yourself. You will overcome everything that comes your way as long as you have a teachable heart that’s always willing to accept God’s corrections. When you apply the lessons that you learned, that’s when you will appreciate the difficult seasons that God allowed you to experience. When you willingly share with others the testimony that God wrote for you, that’s when you will learn to value the process that you went through.
Life is beautiful. You may not see this right now because of the problems and troubles that you are facing. But when God reveals to you the bigger picture, you will feel in awe. When He opens your eyes to the things that He is doing behind the scenes, you will discover how precious and important you are. So wait for that day to happen. Be patient and keep going. Persevere and always do the right in the presence of God. Things will turn out well. The journey will be perfect. And it’s not going to be about your own efforts and strength, but things will be beautiful simply because God is the One who orchestrated it.