Self Development

Life Is Not Perfect, But It’s Worth Fighting For

There are a lot of things that are happening in our lives that we can never understand. No matter how hard this life may be, if we will just keep on hoping for the best, everything will be worth it. I don’t know when or how, but it will happen one day. Simply because what we have right now is a precious gift. We may fail to see its value, but it’s something that no else can give. We can never replace this life or even turn back time. And how we use this gift really matters.

A life full of challenges is worth fighting for in the end. The struggles that we face along the way will make us strong. It will strengthen our hearts, and it will build up our faith. At the end of the day, all the pain we feel inside will become a powerful message of hope. That even though we encountered many struggles, still God has been so gracious to us all along the journey. He provided enough courage so that we can make it.

So keep on going. The God who created this universe chose you to be one of the receivers of His precious gift called life. That’s why, use this gift to glorify His name. God never commits mistakes. You are destined to live here on earth for a purpose. So keep on going and do not give up. As long as you are still breathing, then it simply means that you still have a lot of things to do. And God is not yet done with you.

Believe that the best is yet to come. All the challenges that we face have a purpose. One day, you will realize that God values all your tears. The things that He has been preparing for you is greater than what you can comprehend. It’s beyond what you can imagine.

The journey will be more meaningful as long as you allow God to guide you. Sometimes it’s not about the destination, but it’s about your companion. It’s about the one who is helping you all this time. Treat this life as a treasure. Learn to value it more than you give importance to your earthly wealth. I hope that at the end of the day, you will realize that your life is always worth fighting for.