Self Development

Life Will Never Be Easy, But You Can Always Make Choices

You will always face difficult moments in life. It will never be a comfortable journey. But one thing is for sure, God will give you a lot of choices. Those choices will never give you the assurance that there will be no pain, but you will have the opportunity to choose what kind of difficulties are you willing to endure. This truth may be hard for us to accept because we think that when we arrive at the top, we will no longer face challenges in life. But then, problems will always be there. Whether we like it or not, we will always encounter challenging moments in life. And what we can do is to create wise choices that will not only benefit ourselves but also glorify God in the end.

Remember that we are not living in a perfect world. It simply means that there will be pain along the way. We need to accept this truth so that we will learn to deal with things that truly matter in the end. When we are too caught up with our problems, we tend to forget the truth that it’s always part of our lives. Whether you are rich or poor, successful, or not. You will always encounter unexpected events that will test your faith. And as we journey in life, there will be moments when we need to make difficult choices.

Let God give you enough wisdom on what to choose in life. Sometimes, we try to control the things around us, and we do things on our own. We become the god of our lives. We follow our own ways and forget God along the process. Remember that no one can escape the problems in life. As long as you are still alive, there will always be challenges. But the good thing about it is God will always be there to guide and mold you. Just allow Him to teach you what to do.

God will lead you on the right track as long as you have a teachable heart. Just be willing to accept His corrections, and remember that He is your heavenly Father. It means that He will never abandon you. Just open your heart for His instructions and learn to obey. You may face hardships, but a life that brings glory to God is always worth fighting for.


  • Billy

    2 Corinthians 4:15

    All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.

  • Belle

    I came across your site when a friend shared one of your blogs in Facebook. Since then, I have been checking your blog posts and started following your Facebook page Pursued. I just want you to know that you inspire me a lot. You always say the right things when I needed a friendly reminder. May the almighty creator bless you always. Keep spreading love & light!