Lift up your Troubled heart to God
Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish.
Psalms 25:16-17, NIV
David never hesitated to come to God and asked for His grace, especially in moments when He felt so lonely, afflicted, and troubled. He did not rely on His own strength. Instead, he asked God for help. He trusted Him more than anything else. Just like David, there are also moments in life when we feel troubled and at the same time lonely. And in those painful seasons, we must not forget what King David did. Let’s come to God and present to Him the status of our hearts. Let’s share with Him all our worries and cares. We must not depend on our own abilities. Instead, we must treat God as the source of our hope and comfort.
When you can’t understand what’s going on in your life, know that God is always there. He is just waiting for you to share your heart with Him. He will listen and comfort you. Tell Him the reason why you feel bothered inside. Surrender to Him the things that are going on in your mind. And let Him remind you of His goodness. As you present your case to God, wait for His assurance and allow Him to speak. Only then will you receive the comfort that you are looking for.
Acknowledge the truth that you need the hands of God to save you from the troubles that you are in. Let Him reign in your life. Sometimes, you’ll forget to submit to Him because you think you can make it on your own. But the truth is, God alone can give you the strength you need. You can’t acquire it from imperfect humans. So come to His presence, and He will equip you with enough weapons so that you can fight against the forces of the enemy.
Don’t do things on your own. Just like David, call upon the Name of God and let His grace give you the strength that you need. He will make your heart feel at ease. In Him, you will receive the peace that surpasses all understanding. When you encounter devastating moments in life, run to Him, and He will embrace you with His warm love. He will make you feel safe in His arms.
God cares for you. He treats you as His child, and He knows when you are so burdened. You just need to ask for His help. Remember that He gave you free will. You always have the choice to depend on Him or just follow your own feelings. God is waiting for you to abide in His Presence. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it. Doing the things that please God can also make you feel happy and fulfilled.
Stay closer to His arms, especially in times when you feel so messed up. Know that God loves you so much. He will be there to provide for all your needs. He will send enough blessings. There may be moments when you can’t feel Him, but keep your faith even if you don’t understand what’s going on. Receive His goodness and believe with all your heart that His love never fails.
Trust in His ways. Everything that He is doing is for your own good. Sometimes, He doesn’t explain to you everything because He wants you to believe in Him. Your faith will never grow if God will just reveals to you all the things that He is doing. Allow Him to perform miracles in your life. Treat Him as your best friend. Know that He deeply understands your heart. He sees what you’ve been going through. That’s why He is the only one who can give you the kind of hope that will strengthen your faith. Choose to focus on His love, and no amount of negative thoughts can destroy your soul. In Him, you will stand secured and protected.