Like How A Shepherd Takes Good Care Of His Sheep
Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us go back and visit the believers in all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord and see how they are doing.”
Acts 16: 36, NIV
Paul and Barnabas had great compassion for the early believers they visited. They didn’t just share the word of Jesus with them; they also took the time to check how they were doing. This deep concern is merely a reflection of God’s love for His people. They cared for the people like a shepherd takes good care of his sheep.
They took some time to serve the early believers. They offered their strength and time just to feed those souls who were hungry and thirsty. They equipped and trained them so that they would be sustained. They didn’t leave them like orphans. They treated them as part of God’s family.
Sharing Jesus isn’t just about preaching His words, but it’s also about loving people. We shouldn’t just focus on the words that we preached. But just like what Paul and Barnabas did, may we learn to take good care of those people that God entrusted us. May we never forget to truly love and serve them. You may have your own goals or agenda, but remember God’s desire. He loves to take good care of His children.
May we also have hearts willing to love others. May we learn to pause and think of those who badly need the Lord’s guidance. Let’s pray that God will continue to teach us how to care for those in pain and wounded.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for this wonderful reminder. Thank you for giving me another chance to love and serve others. Please teach me how to truly help those who are in need. Give me a heart that’s willing to take good care of your children. Teach me how to guide and support the people that you entrusted me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.