
Listen Not To Answer But To Understand Other People

To answer before listening— that is folly and shame.

Proverbs 18:13, NIV

Sometimes, it’s easier to speak than to listen. When we are at the peak of our emotions, we can’t help but find a way to express and release them through our words. But this verse in Proverbs simply reminds us to pause and choose to listen even if it’s hard. Sometimes, it takes dying on the inside. You need to hold back the things that deeply disturb you in order for the other person to feel heard and respected.

This is not an easy thing to do. Imagine, you need to constantly remind yourself not to speak back or even defend yourself. You need to listen not to answer but to understand the other person. It takes love and so much patience to do this. But even though it’s hard, God’s presence is always there to give us the grace to truly love and listen.

The Holy Spirit is there to give you a heart that’s willing to put others first. He will remind you to do the right thing. So dwell in His presence, and He will give you the patience and the understanding that you need. Pray that God will teach you how to truly love others by the way you listen to them.

This may seem so simple, but you never really knew the impact that you made for those people you chose to listen to. Your listening ears are sometimes enough for them to feel loved and accepted. Don’t be quick to judge others. Pause and choose to listen. Don’t focus on defending yourself. Remember that God desires for you to listen and care for other people.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding us to listen to other people. Please give us a heart that’s willing to serve and love others. Teach us how to offer our lives selflessly so that your name will be glorified. We pray for your grace that we may learn to care for other people genuinely. Remind us, Lord, that we don’t have to defend ourselves because you are already our defender. Instead, let your Spirit intervene and give us a patient heart that’s willing to listen. This we ask, and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.