Live By Faith And Stop Trusting In Your Temporary Riches
Uncertainties will always be there. You never really know the things that will happen in your life. Sometimes, you go through certain crises that will test your character and faith. You will face the kind of season that will push you to change from the inside out. And only then will you realize that the riches you have can never give you the kind of satisfaction that you’ve been looking for. You will begin to see things differently, and you will learn to depend on God more than you rely on your own wealth. This is the reason why you need to live by faith. Life itself is full of changes, and the best thing you can do is increase your trust in God.
Life is so much wider and deeper than the worldly things you acquire here on earth. You may think that your riches and wealth can give you security in life, but you never really know what tomorrow brings. Only God can give you the protection and the security that you need. That’s why nourish your relationship with Him, and you will never be shaken by the unexpected things you will encounter. Spend more time with Him and be intentional in everything that you do for God. The only way for you to be prepared with uncertainties in life is to simply grow in His presence.
You will be overwhelmed with so many disappointments if you focus on your situation. You will start to question your existence, and it will be hard for you to move forward. Choose to believe in the things that you can’t see yet. Trust that God is making way for you. Set your eyes on the riches that will never perish. And that’s your faith in God. Never rely on your own understanding. Remember that God knows the best thing that you can do. So instead of listening to the voices in your mind, choose to obey the will of God, and you will be safe.
Keep your faith, and you will see yourself growing. Your perspective will change, and you will slowly see the hands of God moving in the midst. You will learn to appreciate His ways because God will open the eyes of your heart so that you will see His miracles in your life. And only then will you never be the same again. You will be a person of faith who will always choose to follow God no matter what it takes. You will gain enough courage to face the challenges because you know that you can always rely on His great love.

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Adah Daniel
I lift up my eyes to the hills, from where does my help come; my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1