
Live In Accordance With The Spirit

Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.

Romans 8:5, NIV

Who governs your life right now? Are you living according to the flesh? Or do you live in accordance with the Spirit? According to Paul, you will know it by examining the desires of your heart. What do you truly desire to happen in your life? Is it to have more money, to be successful in your career, or to buy the things that you want to acquire? Is it to have a family or to travel somewhere?

These are the common desires humans have, but the question is, are these desires in accordance with the Holy Spirit? When our minds are still set on the flesh, we can’t help but think of the things that would satisfy us. And sometimes, we believe that everything we can get in this world will ultimately satisfy us. But the truth is, we are created with an eternal longing that this world can never give.

Perhaps this is why Paul reminded the Christian church in Rome to live in accordance with the Spirit. He knew that God was the only one who could satisfy His people. The flesh can only give us temporary things, but the Spirit of God will lead us to everlasting life.

When we set our minds on what the Spirit desires, we acknowledge the will of God in our lives. We abide in His ways and trust in His grace even when we can’t see what’s ahead. It means choosing to please Him instead of following the standards of this world. It means loving God and His people.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for giving me the chance to know and love you. Thank you for reminding me to live in accordance with the Spirit. Please renew my heart and my mind, Lord. Teach me how to honor and live for you, especially in times when I don’t understand what’s happening. I pray for your grace that I may always choose to love you and your people no matter what it takes. This I ask, I pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.