
Love Without Pain Is Not Love At All

We may have different experiences. We may encounter various circumstances in life. But we all have one thing in common. The deepest desire of our heart is to experience love and that’s what our life is all about. It is our journey in discovering love and accepting what it takes just for us to experience it.

And it’s about time for you to realize the truth: “It takes pain to experience love and we need love to experience life.”  This mysterious word, “Love” is not just an ordinary term. We need to acknowledge that it is the most important reason why we want to live. Because if there’s no love, our life would be meaningless.

So what is love?

Love is about choosing to be with the person even if we encounter brokenness because of them. It is a commitment and not just merely based on feelings. It is an endless choice to stay despite of the pain you feel. That’s why people who are truly in love are those people who never gave-up despite of everything they’ve been through.

At the end of the day, whether we like it or not, the pain we feel in loving someone is what makes us human. The more we choose to be with the person despite of his or her flaws, the more we realize that we should accept and love them for who they are. We don’t just love them because of the things they do for us. We don’t just stay for the sake of good memories. We don’t simply care just to reciprocate the care they give us. But even at times when they seem to be unlovable, we have to choose to love them. Even if they will give us thousands of reasons to leave, we should choose to stay with them no matter what. Now that is what we call real love.  And if you’ve never experienced such definition of love in your life, then you need to know that there is something more you need to learn about love.

Yes, if you love, you will encounter pain. However, there is an important thing you need to consider in dealing with it. You need to know that although pain can break you, some of it will also lead you to personal growth and maturity. In contrast, there is also a kind of pain that is really toxic that will break you apart and will only lead you to deeper brokenness. And instead of building you up, this kind of pain will tear you apart.


Ask yourself if that brokenness you feel inside can help you grow, or will only tear you into pieces? Will it lead you to become a better person or it will only bring out the worst version of you? Unless you haven’t figured out the answers to these questions, you will always misunderstood the real definition of love.

Yes, pain is inevitable but you need to recognize what kind of pain is it? Is it the kind of pain that is worth fighting for? When you can finally answer this question with a big “Yes!”, then I would say, “Congratulations!” You are one of those blessed people who have already experienced true love.