
Make God Your First Option

As you face opportunities and hurdles in life, you will be bombarded with the idea of what is best to do and what choice to make. You will think of the risks and their costs even if you are not sure what it will bear for you. Uncertainties will surprise you in a lot of ways. But there is someone who can give you the security. No matter what happens, you will make the most of an experience. If you have Him as your constant option in everything, you will live a life fulfilled with His presence and love. He will be your guide and your friend.

God will be there for you. He has given you the power to choose over your life. He knows what’s best for you and how to use what you have. When you are surprised by many things, remember that sometimes your prayers are answered in the most unfamiliar ways. Maybe your problems are now teaching you the character you wanted to possess. Your hurdles and difficulties may teach you how to manage and use your knowledge. Remember, everything happens for a reason. Just try to get along with life. Surrender you worries in Him. Let Him teach you how to deal with things. When you are confused and in doubt, tell God about it. He may not answer you directly, but He will surely give you signs to let you know He is with you.

Follow the ways that He chose for you. Sometimes, things may not appear according to our liking. Occasionally, our hearts desire are contrary to what needs to be done. We want to choose one thing, but the situation wants us to choose the other. In times like this, offer to God your frustrations. Remind yourself of what He has taught you. Do things for His glory and you will see how He would turn the situation according to His ways. He will show you how the wonder of a rainbow after the rain. Believe that if you do it for Him, something more significant is yet to come. It may not align and agree with your expectations, but it will reveal greater things to you. Such things that He lovingly prepared for you.

When you live with God in your heart, sometimes the right thing to do feels awkward and uncomfortable. But that is okay. Remember that you are discovering and learning more about yourself. If you respond to things differently, it is a chance for you to undo the things you are not supposed to. Be gentle with yourself and give it a chance to change. Remember that God wants you to have His love and embody it like your own.

Life will present you with a lot of options. Always include God when you make one. He will never hesitate to give you blessings. He will never withdraw His love for you. He will always show you ways and surround you with His presence. Always invite Him in everything you do. Remember Him in every action and in every word that you will utter. Have in the heart that you are not only doing it for Him but for yourself. He wants you to do the right thing because He knows it will lead you to more incredible things. It may not appear like it at first, but believe that there is always a light at the end of that tunnel you are walking through. He will bathe you with knowledge and wisdom. Just obey and have Him always on your first list.