Self Development

Maturity Is When You Learn To Understand Others Above Yourself

We can’t get what we always want in life, especially when it involves other people. Sometimes, we need to wait and be patient enough to understand their situation. They also have their own struggles and problems in life. That’s why we need to be mature enough to accept that we can’t always force them to do the things that we want. They also have their own dreams and goals in life, and we need to accept it.

Maturity is very costly. It’s one of the most important things that a person should learn, and sometimes, it’s difficult for us to learn from others’ experiences. Instead, we need to go through the process for us to truly grow on the inside.  It somehow starts with accepting the truth that we never really own someone. That’s why we don’t have the right to make decisions for them.

Of course, minors still need some guidance. But for the case of those who are old enough to make decisions, we need to give them the freedom to decide.  God gave every human being here on earth the freedom to choose. That’s why we can’t force something to happen in their lives just because we care for them. We need to acknowledge that they also have the right to decide.

We just need to know that story behind all their decisions so that we will learn to guide and support them along the way. If you happen to be very disappointed with somebody’s action, then be mature enough to determine why they did it before getting mad at them. Sometimes, what they need are those who are willing to understand and listen to them without judgment.

Allow your loved ones to commit mistakes because it’s a wonderful opportunity for them to grow personally. The important thing that you can do is to simply support them along the way. If you think that their decisions are not wise enough, you can simply guide them but not necessarily make decisions for them because that’s no longer your role.

Just learn to trust the people around you. I know it’s hard sometimes because maybe you’ve been through a lot of pain in life, but we still need to learn how to love them not because of the things that they do but because of who they are. We need to be mature enough to accept that we are not perfect and sometimes commit mistakes. But the best part is we choose to stay with the people we love even if we know that the road ahead is not going to be easy.