May Everything we do lead to God’s Glory
Our actions are a product of what we have within us. As water reflects a man’s image, so does our mouth reflect what’s in our hearts. That is why we need to be observant of our actions. Let us be careful not to act carelessly, or we might hurt other people in our lives. Careless acts could harm us and those that are innocent. Remember that our actions speak louder than our words. Therefore, we need to be as careful as possible and evaluate ourselves.
Our selves could surprise us most of the time. We could get overwhelmed when we discover that there are things that we never thought we could do. But, as time goes by and we continually learn and grow in life, we realize that we are developing actions and skills. Now, these are the things that God blesses us with. He blessed us with the knowledge and talents that helped us prosper in life. He gives it to us for certain reasons to find our purpose in this life.
When God blesses us with wisdom, let us use it to introduce Him to other people’s lives. Let us use it for the expansion of His kingdom. May we always remember that what leads us to our current situation is a product of God’s purpose in us. We are God’s vessel. May we understand the different kinds of people we will meet along the way. May we also remember the things God wants us to do and not just the things we want. So let us not stop doing what is good and right.
Let us continue to love and hold on to God’s promises. Let God’s presence in our lives be stronger than the pressure of the enemies. Let us remember His warnings and commands in everything that we do. When temptations crawl, let us always remember that He graces us with authority to redirect ourselves in the right direction. Let’s allow Him to handle our situations, even though it means breaking our pride for it.
Our identities are found in Him. So let us not lose sight of our true worth. Let us not punish ourselves from the guilt of yesterday. Let us stop thinking that we deserve to get hurt because of our mistakes. Instead, let us remember the lessons that God planted in our hearts. We are now in His kingdom. We only need to acknowledge God in our lives and have Him lead us the way.
May His favor guide us in everything that we do. Let us choose what is good and what is a must. And may God’s glory be shown in everything that we do.

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Nathaniel Myles