Self Development

May you always take the Right Steps even if it Hurts

Doing what is right is not always easy, especially when you wanted to follow the will of God, which is different from the standards of this world. Sometimes, people will question your decisions. You will encounter so many hindrances along the way. You will also feel like a stranger because you do things in a unique way. But even if others can’t easily understand the steps that you chose to take, just remember that everything that you do for the glory of God will never be in vain. One day, you will see the fruits of your efforts and pain. Keep doing what is right in the eyes of your Heavenly Father. Know that He will always be there to give you the strength that you need. He will never leave you alone. So take the right steps even if it hurts.

You need to learn how to treat God as your King. In life, you will go through a lot of painful moments that will challenge your faith in God. In those times, you will be tempted to listen to your emotions. The pain will disturb your focus, and it will eventually lead you to make decisions that are not reasonable. This is why you need to treat God as your King and not your emotions. Acknowledge His power and not your own will. Wait for Him to move and learn to be patient. Let His precious word remind you to do what is right in His eyes. Honor and love Him with all your heart, and you will have the courage to finish the journey through His grace.

Focus on God and not on the circumstances that you experienced. You will be tempted to give up if you keep on worrying about your problems. Remember how powerful God is. Keep His promises in your heart and choose to abide in His ways. When you hear lies in your mind, learn to fight them with the word of God. Recall the wonderful moments that you spent with Him so that you will have the motivation to keep going. If you keep on looking at your surroundings, you will feel overwhelmed by your situation. You will forget the blessings of God. So spend more time with Him, and He will lead you to the right path.

Taking the right steps may sometimes be painful, but it will bless your soul. It will lead you to so many life-changing lessons. When you choose to follow Jesus despite the fears that you feel inside, you will eventually experience the joy that you can’t contain. You will receive more of His love and grace. Things will be better simply because you choose God above your emotions. Time will come when you will feel so grateful because God gave you the chance to make the right decisions.