
May you end this year with a Grateful Heart

I may not know the exact experiences that God allowed you to go through this year, but may you learn to look back and reminisce what happened with a grateful heart. It may be painful for you, but God still sustained you and gave you enough strength. You may go through so many detours and rejections this year, but remember how God provided you with what you need. He still performed miracles behind the scene. So don’t be disappointed. God chose to give you the grace to keep moving despite the mistakes you made in the past. Hold on to His promises and know that His faithfulness will never change. He will remain true to His words, and He will still fulfill the plans that He created even before you are born. This year may not be easy, but God’s love never fails to remind you about your value in His eyes.

Thank God for the strength that you received. The unexpected circumstances that you encountered led you to experience more of His power. Without those problems and tears, you will never know the status of your faith. Even though it’s painful, choose to thank God for giving you a chance to see things in a different way. You learned lessons that you can apply in the future. You faced storms that trained you how to be strong. You went through the darkest season and learned to walk with God along the way. You manage to survive despite the wounds you have inside. And that is already a big achievement. You learned to slowly embrace God’s promises despite what you feel. Those countless reasons are more than enough for you to thank God.

Be grateful for the unexpected blessings you received. Look at the resources that God provided for you. Focus on the things that you never asked Him to give you, and you will be amazed by how He took good care of you all throughout this year. He allowed you to meet new people. He brought you to new places. You may not see the blessings yet, but when the perfect time comes, God will open your eyes. He will reveal to you the purpose of why He allowed you to step outside your comfort zone. He gave you so many chances for you to realize who He is in your life. Those situations may not be pleasing in your eyes, but those are blessings in disguise.

As you end this precious year, may you look back without regrets. May you see the blessings instead of the bad things that happened. Please treasure the lessons that God wants you to learn. Carry them with you because they are like weapons that you can use to defend the faith that God is building inside. Everything that happened to you this year is part of a bigger story. You may not see it right now, but one day, you will thank God for all the things you received, including the unexpected and the painful memories.