May you learn to say Good Things to Yourself
The voices in your head will somehow determine your direction in life. They can either lead you to the dark path or to God’s promises. It depends on what voice you listen to. If you choose to believe in the lies of the enemy, then you will be destroyed in the end. But if you keep your faith in what God is saying to you, then you will live a fulfilled and victorious life.
You need to be more conscious of the things that are going on in your mind. How do you describe yourself when you encounter problems? What are the things you say to yourself? Do you follow your guilt? Or do you comfort yourself? Your inner voice is very important. It will help you make better decisions as long as you learn how to manage them. It’s not an easy thing to do, but with the help of God, you can absolutely change the way you see yourself.
Choose to declare affirmations every day. Remember the good things in your life and think of God’s blessings. Look at yourself in front of the mirror and declare words that will remind you of your true identity. You need to be the first one to cheer yourself up. You can’t trust other people to do it for you. It’s something that needs to start on the inside. If you believe with all your heart that you are a wonderful person, then you will never see your life the same way again. You will surely appreciate everything that God has given you. And you’ll learn to use what you have for His glory. Remember that you are created according to His image. It means that you are beautiful from the inside out.
Write down the positive words that you received from others and from God. Read them and put them in your heart. Open your bible and list the verses that will remind you of your identity in the Lord. Be familiar with them so that when you hear negative voices, you will know how to respond to them according to God’s words.
Rely on His voice, and don’t follow your own understanding. It’s always better to trust God than listen to things that will just bring you down. So make it a habit to read His word every day so that you’ll remember the voice of your loving Father. Make a diary and write the things that you love about yourself. Only then will you realize that you are not that bad.
God is your creator. Therefore, you are not a useless person. There is goodness in your heart, and you need to believe in it. Be patient with yourself, and don’t live a life full of shame. Let go of the guilt and choose to forgive yourself. Only then will you learn how to embrace all your flaws and imperfections. Listen to the voice of God, for He alone knows who you are. Trust in Him when He says that you are wonderfully and perfectly made. Believe when He says that you are precious in His eyes because that’s the truth you need to hold on to. Live as His child, and you will never look at yourself the same way again. Instead, you will see Jesus inside of you, and that will give you the courage to believe in what He can do in your life.