May You Listen To God’s Voice Despite All Your Disappointments In Life
Life is not perfect. There will be days when you experience disappointments, hear painful words from other people, or perhaps go through painful seasons. In short, the journey won’t be smooth and comfortable. This is why it’s very important to fix your eyes on Jesus, the One who desires great things for you, the One who truly loves you.
It’s okay to feel disappointed. It means that you have certain expectations that haven’t been met. You can express it to God and tell Him what you truly feel. But after that, listen to His voice. And don’t allow the disappointment to reign inside. Let God teach you how to manage your emotions. The Holy Spirit will be there to guide and lead you. Seek Him, and you will find Him.
Come to God, and He will give you the comfort you need. His grace will strengthen and sustain you. Allow His goodness and love to consume your soul. That’s how you will overcome the negative thoughts that came from the disappointment you experienced. Just let Him love you, and He will make you feel secure.
Don’t dwell on the things that you can’t control. Let God’s love teach you how to trust in His plans and timing. Sometimes, people feel disappointed because they follow their plans more than they acknowledge God’s will. Maybe God is just reminding you right now to keep your faith in Him and stop relying on your strength.
Expose yourself to things that will remind you of His goodness. Open your Bible. There, you will encounter many stories that will transform your soul. God will speak to you through His words. He will open your heart so that you will know Him more. Spend more time with Him, and you will find healing.