May your mouth be full of Encouragements and not Selfish Judgements
Try to review the words that come out of your mouth. Is it something that will encourage others? Or are you just expressing your own conclusions and selfish judgments? Sometimes, when we observe unfavorable behavior, we tend to judge the person without even knowing the story behind their actions. Instead of encouraging them to change, we choose to condemn them for their mistakes and sins. Please remember that your words are so powerful. It can make or break someone’s life. Try to think first before you speak. Review your thoughts and make sure that they will not break someone’s heart. Choose to encourage someone today, and stop judging other people.
Release blessings to others. Your words can be a form of blessing or a curse. So let God purify your thoughts first so that you can share encouragements with others. Fill your mind with positive things and always remember the goodness of God in your life because, in such a way, you will also learn to share what you receive from Him. The love of God will teach you how to be good to others despite all the negative things that you experienced. He will lead you to be compassionate to those people who badly need some help. You can never build somebody with your selfish judgments. It will only cause them pain. So stop doing the things that you also don’t want to experience.
Do not easily put conclusions to what you see. People go through a lot of seasons in life, and their experiences shaped their thoughts and actions. This is why you should never assume that you already know other people’s stories, not unless you saw everything that happened to them. Give them the chance to share their experiences, and only then will you realize that what they go through is not that easy. When you discover the pain they need to face, you will probably stop putting judgment. Instead, you will learn to encourage them with the best you can, just like what Jesus did in your life.
Let the light of Jesus shine in your heart. Be a vessel of His love. Let the people around you know who Jesus is through the words you speak and how you treat others. Represent His goodness and love in everything that you do. Share the hope that is in you. Never keep it on your own because blessings are always meant to be shared. Stop condemning someone and do not focus on their sins. Instead, encourage them and let them feel the grace of God through your life.