
May Your Painful Moments Still Prove That God Is Good

We can never control the things that happened around us. Sometimes, we will be challenged to go through hardships without even knowing the reason why. There will be painful moments. But even though we experience seasons of brokenness, may it prove that God is good despite everything we’ve been through. Things may appear so difficult in your life, but it will never change the truth that God loves you so much. His grace will flow, and He will rescue you. It’s not easy to overcome the pain, but God is faithful enough to give you the strength you need. May you learn to put your trust in Him and know that He will always keep His promises.

God will heal your heart. If you allow His love to come inside, then He will put the broken pieces back together. You just have to fully trust in Him. The process will not be easy, but He will be with you along the journey. Maybe you have a lot of questions in mind, and you are wondering why you need to go through the pain. You may fail to see the hands of God moving in the midst. But if you choose to open your heart for His love, you will realize that you are blessed with so many things. It’s just your mind is consumed with your emotion that you no longer appreciate the good things around you.

You will experience more of God’s love in the most painful moments of your life. He will perform His miracles, and you will encounter Him in ways you can never imagine. So put your hopes up and never give up. Things will turn out good in His perfect timing. God will comfort you. He knows all your pain and the reason behind your tears. One day, when you look back to your past, you will no longer remember the pain. Instead, you will feel His love over and over again.

God is good. The circumstances around you can never change the fact that you are deeply loved and treasured. There are days in your life when you feel that God already forget you, but the truth is, He is working in ways you cannot see. He is doing something great behind the pain that you experienced. Keep the faith, and you will grow in His presence. He will change your perspective. God will turn your broken past into a testimony that will transform somebody’s heart.