May Your Struggles Lead You Closer To God
Let the challenges you face become an opportunity for you to grow closer to God. You may have a lot of questions in mind, and you are wondering why you need to go through difficulties in life, but treat it as your chance to know God even more. Let the pain you feel inside increase the thirst that you have for God. May you learn to seek His love more than the things that you can acquire in this world. May you dwell in His presence even in times when you feel so down and broken. Your problems will make you realize that there are things in life that we can’t achieve on our own, and God alone can help us. So stay close to God and trust that He will help you.
Remember that you need to grow. The happy memories may teach yoxu life lessons, but the struggles you will face will make you realize something very important. It will teach you lessons that you can never forget. It will push you to change your mind and to depend more on God. The challenges will prove to you that you can’t make it on your own. You need God by your side. And His strength alone will give you the courage to move forward. And when you experience His goodness, that’s the moment when you start to grow in your faith. You will never be the same person after the storm. Your relationship with God will grow stronger.
Stop relying on your own strength. Learn to surrender to God and allow Him to move. Let His presence reign in your life, and He will prove to you that He is powerful enough to rescue you. He wants to stay closer to your heart, and you need to decide if you will let Him in or not. You always have a choice. You will discover new things about God if you give Him the chance to perform miracles in your life. Take courage and do not be afraid to offer your problems to God. Trust in Him even more.
The season that you are in right now will never happen again. So treasure your moments with God and keep them in your heart. Remember His goodness and the things that He did in your life because it will lead you closer to Him. Keep on growing in His presence, and only then will you realize that life may be so tough, but everything is worth it because you encountered the love of God.

One Comment
Marta Wscobsr
Beautifully written the message is profound