Maybe you are too Exhausted because you Forgot to include God in the Process
You started everything just by following your own plans. You took a step without His guidance. And now, you feel so exhausted because you find yourself walking along the path without His love and kindness. Maybe you are tired because you do things on your own all this time. You forgot to include God in the process. If you can’t find the strength that you need, then you can pause and ask Him to take over. He is just waiting for you to surrender. Stop carrying all the burdens on your shoulders. Come in His presence and acknowledge His power. Submit to Him all your worries, and He will help you.
You need the presence of God. Do not start anything without His approval. Seek His words and let Him guide you. There are so many things that you need to consider, and He alone knows how to prepare you for what’s coming. So before you take a step, learn to pray first. Ask for His favor and grace. Do not just rely on your own plans. Allow Him to move. Be patient when you can’t understand His ways. Just trust in His promises and imagine that He is always there, embracing you with His love. Put Him first in everything that you do, and His angels will make way for you.
God can be your best partner. You can rely on Him and tell Him everything that bothers you. He can be your mentor and your teacher. He is not just your Father, but He is also your best friend. You’ll experience so many fun moments with Him if only you learn to be more sensitive to His presence. He loves to reveal great things to you. Just allow Him to open the eyes of your heart so that you’ll see His ways. He is not a boring God. In fact, He can give you the kind of joy that you can never explain. He can take you on so many adventures. There may be moments when you feel so devastated, but with Him, you will always have the courage that you need to keep going.
Just go through the process with God. Don’t live this life as if you are alone. You may not physically see Him, but He is there speaking to you. He is revealing things that you should know. So connect to Him first and find some time to pause for a while. Listen to His instructions and humbly obey Him even if you can’t always understand His reasons. Trust that everything that He is doing is for your own good. When you consider Him as the King of your life, the obstacles that you face along the way will never make you feel exhausted. Instead, they will help you experience more of His presence.

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Nathaniel Myles