
Moments When I Forget About His Love

Honestly, I’m still learning how to treat Jesus as my everything. Even though I already treated Him as my personal Savior and tried to connect to Him every single day, there were still instances when I chose to follow my selfish desires. There are still moments when I forget about His love. And it’s those days when I’m in pain and struggling. When problems try to consume my mind, that’s when I usually forget about His goodness in my life.

That’s why, up until now, I’m still wondering what it truly feels like to genuinely follow Him. When I read the Bible, I learned about those people who chose to follow God despite the suffering and persecution that they experienced. The more I discover about those people who willingly offer their lives for Jesus, the more I get curious about what it truly means to be His servant and beloved.

Before, I thought that it was just about doing religious things like going to church, praying, worshipping, and reading His word. I thought that if I diligently did these things and consistently followed what others were doing, I would be able to give my everything to Him. But later on, I realized that it’s not about what I am doing that matters most in the end, but it’s about the great love that He offered for me on the cross that led me to my knees and gave my all to Him.

I slowly learned to love Him the moment I realized how much He loves me. It’s His love that changes everything in my life. And I’m still in the process of learning how to receive that perfect and unfailing love over and over again. Even though I had already tasted how wonderful His love is, there are still days when I need to remind myself that God will never fail. There are still moments when I doubt in His goodness.

This is the reason why my heart is still longing for more of Him.  I need the Holy Spirit to keep on reminding me about His love. I need His grace to guide me to His heart, especially when I’m struggling.  In short, I can’t simply rely on my own strength and understanding, I simply need God to be the Lord of my life. I kept on praying that God would teach me how to treat Him as my everything.