
My Saviour

I am a sinner
But He is my Savior
I commit mistakes
But His love for me is perfect

I have a lot of doubts
But my God is faithful
I am a mess
But He is the God of order

I am just a human
But He treated me as His child
I tend to forget Him
But His promises remained the same

Sometimes, I disappoint Him
But He never stopped accepting me
I wanted to give up
But He gives me hope

I am blind
But God sees it all
I was lost
But He found me

I treated myself as a failure
But my God believes in me
I always see the negative things
But God sees the goodness within

I easily get swayed
But His love is so firm
I can’t easily forgive myself
But Jesus sacrificed everything

Just for me to be saved and redeemed
But God takes good care of me
As if I’m a precious treasure
This is how wonderful and amazing God is