Never be Ashamed to Admit that you Don’t Understand what’s going on
There are days in life when you just feel so lost and empty. You can no longer see the hands of God. You find it hard to keep moving, not because you don’t have enough strength, but simply because you don’t know where you are going. Your situation is so messy, and you can’t understand what’s going on. If you feel that way right now, then never be ashamed to accept the truth that this season is something that you can’t comprehend. Know that you are not alone. We will all experience that moment. And it’s part of the journey. It’s not easy, but the moment you choose to believe in God’s promises despite the uncertainties you face, you will slowly realize that everything that happened in your life has a deeper purpose.
Be humble and go through the learning process. You are still growing, so don’t expect to figure out everything in an instant. There are days when you feel so uncomfortable because the path that you are taking is something new. And it’s not a bad thing because when you learn to adjust and manage yourself, you will see transformation in your life. The difficult moments are important so that you will be able to stretch yourself and discover your potential. Accepting the truth that you don’t understand what’s going on means you acknowledge that you can’t live this life on your own.
Choose to trust in God’s ways. He knows the things that you need to learn for you to appreciate His blessings fully. So instead of doubting His love, focus on His goodness, and you will see the light. Be patient and follow His instructions even if you don’t know why you need to do them. Just let His words be your ultimate guide. Do not entertain your fears. Instead, let His love reign in your heart. Only then will you discover the things that He prepared. When you victoriously overcome this season, your relationship with Him will never be the same.
It’s okay if you feel so clueless. Know that this is the perfect moment for you to increase your faith. You will only grow in His presence the moment you choose Him over your doubts and worries. You will only discover His love if you choose to walk with Him along the journey and hold His hands. Above all, you will only experience more of Him if you treat Him as your God, even in moments when you are struggling and in pain.

Beautiful I read your article this is what I was looking for today morning …My situation is also very clueless and don’t where this is taking me ..But I believe God and His purpose for my life .
Thank you so much Radhika! God bless you!