Self Development

Never Depend your Happiness on Things that will only Last for A Moment

We all wanted to feel happy and satisfied. That’s why we try our best to achieve the things that we want, hoping that we will feel contented. But then, there are moments when we seek our happiness on the things that are just temporary. That’s why we end up feeling so lost and broken. If you wanted to feel the joy of the Lord, then remember that you can never find it in the things that will only last for a moment. It’s a choice, so stop looking for it in the wrong places. Your wealth, properties, and achievements can only make you feel so happy for a limited time, but it will not last forever. Seek the One who will lead you to eternity, and in Him, you will experience real joy within.

Happiness is a choice, and it’s not something that you will experience when you achieve your goals and aspirations in life. You need to change your perspective so that you will learn to see the blessings behind the challenges that you are facing. It’s a matter of how you look at the situation around you. When you see the hands of God moving in the midst, you will feel grateful, and it will lead you to a heart that is so contented and happy. It will only happen when your eyes will focus on the goodness of God and not on the bad things that happened in your life. Happiness comes from within, and it’s not something that you can find in your surroundings.

Seek God, and He will teach you how to receive His joy. Focus on Him, and He will be the One who will change your perspective. He will open your eyes so that you will appreciate the simple yet important blessings around you. God will teach you how to be grateful for everything that you received from Him. Know that His joy is so precious, and it’s something that you can never contain. It is a gift, and once you receive it, you will never feel empty again.

Remember that everything in this world is temporary. If you seek your happiness according to what this world can give you, then you will never be satisfied. You will always look for something that can quench the thirst in your heart, and only the love of God can do it. When you are filled with His love, then you will experience a happy life.