
Never forget that everything that you have is all because of God’s Grace

Never boast of the things that you already achieved. You may exert so much effort and tears, but the truth is, you will never arrive in that place if God didn’t give you the blessings that you need. His grace gave you the courage to keep moving. He gave you the strength to overcome storms. He faithfully sends the right people and gives you more than enough resources. It’s all because of God’s grace. You may not see His hands but try to look back and reminisce about the good things that happened in your life. Only then will you realize that there are certain situations that are out of your control. And because of those moments, you learn new things, and you grow into a better person. Behind those unexpected events are God’s blessings. So don’t just focus on your own effort. Instead, choose to thank God for sustaining you all throughout the season.

Let God’s grace remind you to be humble. When you move according to His mercy and love, you won’t be able to boast about your own strength. When you rely on His light and guidance, you won’t be able to focus on your own understanding. So set your eyes on Him. Never forget that He is the reason why you are still breathing. It’s His grace that gave you the chance to experience this wonderful day. It’s His kindness that sustained you all throughout the years. Do not forget God. Connect to Him every single day so that you won’t be walking on the wrong path.

Continue to rely and depend on His grace. Choose to surrender in His presence and trust His great love for you. Move according to His will, and don’t stop doing the right thing. It may not always be easy because there will be times when your faith will be tested but do what pleases God’s name. Remember that His grace will be there to keep you going. When you rely on Him, you don’t have to worry about anything. The God who created this universe will surely give you what you need.

Bring back all the glory to your Heavenly Father. He deserves everything. Offer to Him all your victories and breakthroughs. Remember that you would never experience those things if not because of the blessings that He provided for you. Be grateful for those times when He challenged your faith because it’s when you realize what it truly means to receive His grace. God’s kindness surrounded your life even before you knew Him. He was there even before you knew what love was. His blessings are already overflowing even before you learn how to pray for His favor. God has been holding your hands all throughout the years. He was there, faithfully giving you the grace that you need. 

One Comment

  • Nathaniel Myles

    Amen,Amen, Amen! I Am Thankful And Grateful For All That God Has Done For Me And For His Faithfulness And His Grace and Mercy!!!!💕🙏💕