
Never Forget that You need God every Single Day

You can never make it on your own. You need God’s guidance, and you are simply nothing without Him. So never forget to put Him at the center and make Him your life. Let your word revolve around His love and keep Him in your heart. And only then will you experience real joy from within, even in the midst of challenges. Sometimes, what you need are not instructions but something that will just remind you about the goodness and grace of God. When you know who He is in your life, then you will not easily be swayed by the temptations of this world. You will choose to listen to His voice, and you will no longer live a life full of bitterness and pain.

Start your day with God. Talk to Him and read His word. Share all your thoughts with Him and listen to His voice. Sing praises to His name and declare to yourself that your day will be fruitful and victorious because He is always with you. Remind yourself of His great promises and embrace His word with all your heart. Follow His instructions and allow Him to guide you where to go. Make Him your number 1 priority, and you will never live this life with regrets because He will teach you how to use His blessings according to His great purpose and plans.

Surround yourself in an environment that will remind you who He is. Minimize your time with toxic people because they will drain you. Instead, talk to those who are also walking with God so that you will be reminded to follow Him no matter what happens. Stop listening to fake and negative news. Instead, listen to sermons and worships songs so that you will feel His presence. Be intentional in your relationship with Him. Your faith will surely grow as long as you work on it and do your best to stay close to Him. You need to stay committed and consciously choose to be with Him.

Do not just make God as part of your life, but treat Him as the reason why you are alive. Don’t do anything without Him. Let His instructions be the loudest voice in your head. Choose to glorify Him and never forget His great love. At the end of the day, God will never push you to love Him, but still, He will continue to do good things until you learn to treat Him as the King of your life.

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