Never Rely on your own Thoughts
Humans have limited understanding. We have so much to learn. This is the reason why we should never rely on our thoughts. Just because something is in our minds doesn’t mean it’s the truth. We need to carefully assess them first and align them according to the ways of God. Please do not depend on your own judgment. You need to learn how to weigh things first, and the Holy Spirit can absolutely help you. Seek His wisdom and before you fully believe in your thoughts, filter them first according to God’s principles; only then will you be guided. This is very important simply because your thoughts will affect your actions. If what’s in your mind is not right, then your whole life will be greatly affected. So let your thoughts align with God, and everything will be alright.
Learn from the word of God. Study the stories and characters in the bible so that you will learn how to see things according to God’s perspective. If your mind is filled with His words, then the negative thoughts can’t easily consume you. His promises are like weapons that you can use against the lies of the enemy. If you are fully aware of what God is saying, then you can easily counterattack the voices that are not from God. It takes effort to study His words. At first, you will find it uncomfortable but keep on doing the right thing. Remind yourself about who God is, and you won’t be easily tempted to believe in your negative thoughts.
Question your own judgment. Ask yourself if what you are thinking is right or wrong. Let God reign in your heart, mind, and soul. If there are thoughts that keep on bothering you, then surrender them to God. Pray for His guidance and ask Him to teach you how to manage those thoughts. God will help you. Just open your ears so that He can speak and lead you to the right mindset. Be humble and never treat your own understanding as better than God’s ways. Acknowledge His sovereignty in your life and let Him change the way you see your situation and the people around you.
Listen to God. He alone knows the truth behind everything that you experienced. You may have your own conclusions about what is happening, but you never really know the story that God is writing for you. So when He says, “Do not give up, child.” Then do it even if you can’t find any reason to move forward. Follow His voice and choose to rely on His words because, at the end of the day, He alone knows what lies ahead. Trust and believe in Him. Let His instructions be louder than the voices in your head. Everything will turn out good. Don’t worry. God’s hands are holding your precious heart.