Offer Your Wounded Heart To Jesus, And He Will Heal The Pain Inside
The tears in your eyes will never be wasted. The pain you feel inside will be healed. All you need to do is offer your wounded heart to Jesus, and He will take good care of it. You are not alone in this journey. I know it’s very difficult to believe in miracles, especially when you already went through many tragedies in life. But keep on walking and do not lose hope. God will be the one who will sustain you until the end. Life is not perfect, but God will always stay with you, no matter what happens. Just be patient because the healing process takes time, and sometimes you need to face the pain so that you will learn to let it go. But after that, you will experience freedom again.
The love of Jesus will heal you. He will make you whole. The broken pieces in your heart will be mended, and He alone will restore your life. You can’t do the healing process on your own. You need God’s unfailing love so that you will have the courage to trust again. Sometimes, you just rely on your own strength, thinking that no one else can help you in your situation. You choose to keep everything inside because you believe that no one cares for you. But the truth is, Jesus loves you so much. So stop carrying the burden on your own. Offer it to your Savior and let His love remind you that there is still hope.
You will fail to experience the best things in life if you are not fully healed inside. That’s why you need to face it. The pain will create fear, and it will hinder you from experiencing breakthroughs in life. You always have a choice. But I pray that you will choose to set yourself free. So that you will finally learn how to be truly happy. God prepared great plans for you, so do not give up. You still have a great purpose here on earth. Please never forget that.
Let Jesus comfort you in the most painful season of your life. Open your heart and allow Him to embrace you with His love. You may not see the bright future that God planned for you, but the moment you experience His healing, you will realize that Jesus never abandoned you. He is always there, holding your hands. He will just wait until you are ready to surrender all the pain you feel inside.

I always love to read when you posts.
Susan Sarah Shiju
Thank you so much for the very inspiring message….God Bless