Self Development

One Day, All Your Tears Will Turn Into Joyful Singing

I know that it’s not easy. I know the pain is killing you right now. I know you are tired and hopeless. You find yourself struggling and wanted everything to end. You are hoping to see some light but all you see is darkness. You are so messed up and troubled. You wanted to give up and I can’t blame you for that.

You may not understand your situation, but you need to remember this. All the tears that you shed will turn into joyful singing. You may not see it right now, you may think that it’s impossible, but it’s the truth. Change is the only constant in this world. Your situation will change. What you feel will change. Your problems will change. And even the way you face all of it will change.

Don’t settle in your situation. Do not allow your emotions to control you. You have the freedom to choose. You are free to do the right thing. You may find it hard to step up and rise but it’s the best thing to do. Choose light over darkness.

You are not alone. There are also a lot of people who are struggling right now. There are also people who are going through tough seasons in their lives. And some of them manage to cope up. Some of them accepted the challenge and decided not to give up.

So take heart! It’s just a face in your life. It is a season of learning and waiting. It will not last. We are in a middle of a journey and we need to go through some difficulties for us to learn how to endure and persevere, for us to earn wisdom in dealing with things.

You will soon reap the harvest. You will experience a different level of happiness. You just need to hold even to the slightest hope that you have right now. Never underestimate yourself. You’ve been through a lot of problems before and still you made it through this stage.  Consider it as a wonderful progress.

One day, everything you’ve been through will be over. It will all end. And when that moment comes, you will realize that it’s all worth it. Your struggles made you stronger. Your pain made you appreciate the little things. You end up gaining more love, instead of losing yourself.


  • Decei Agapay

    I was so comforted knowing that someone really knows how painful it is. I hope you continue to write this kind if articles. Indeed He is so Good in my life. I am so grateful to read this. May our Good Lord continue to bless you Pursued ❤