
One Day, You Will See God’s Grace Behind The Painful Past You Experienced

I know that it’s not easy. Looking at the past may feel so painful for you, but time will come when God will let you see His hands behind the negative things you experienced. I may not know your whole story, but God sees everything that you are going through. Maybe you think that God abandoned you during those seasons, but soon you will realize that He never leaves your side. He was there. He was holding your hands and guiding your steps. You may not feel His presence, but God is doing something behind the scene. You may not appreciate it right now, but He will open your heart so that you will have the courage to go back and see things differently.

God will bring you back to the past, and He will reveal to you His ways. When the time is right, God will give you enough courage to face the deepest wounds inside. At first, it feels so uncomfortable. You will somehow recall those bad memories and feel the pain again. But God will strengthen you along the process. He will let you see His hands during those moments when you just can’t feel His presence. You will encounter His grace, and you will finally learn to let go of the chains that hold you back to live this life to the fullest. You will experience freedom in His arms.

You will learn to appreciate His love along the journey. He will heal your heart. He will reveal to you His great plans, and you will no longer label yourself according to the negative moments you experienced. The light will shine in your life, and you will stop living in the darkness. When you feel that God cares for you even before you encounter His love, you will realize that there is still hope in life. When you know that God never gives up on you, you will learn to accept and forgive yourself.

God’s grace will change your perspective in life. He will help you see the bigger picture. Sometimes, we can’t appreciate the things that are happening in our lives because we are too focused on what we feel. But when you receive the grace of God, you will begin to see things differently. You will realize that His plans are greater than what you experienced in life.


  • Cristy

    I am in my healing journey. When I learned that my husband cheated on me I was so devastated that I asked God where is He is my painful experience. But your posts/writings encourages me to continue and be committed with my husband even of the unpleasant circumstances. That God allows it to happen for a greater good. Continue what you’re doing. God bless you.

    • bubbles

      it’s a good thing that you are in your healing journey.. mine, the pain is still fresh that everyday is a struggle. i hope that my journey to healing will come asap. i pray that my heart will be renewed again. praying for me, you and for all the women whose hearts were broken

      • DebbyLouWho

        Sweeti, at least your husband still knows who you are. My heart is breaking because I have to put my husband in a nursing home l can’t care for him much longer his Alzheimer’s is getting worse every day. If you love your husband and you can get back together go for it, I will keep you in my prayers.

  • Estela

    Yes indeed! Sometimes we will condemn ourselves for the mistakes we have done. We becamee miserable and hopeless then. However, God is able to heal us and lead us into the right path. He knows our weaknesses and troubles in this life. Let us offer everything to Him. In whatever circumtances I am in, pursued really of great help. Thank you so much for inspiring us thru your posts and videos! God bless you more!

  • Jill spinney

    thankyou for helping me to understand why God has made this life very hard to live. I know I’m strong, and maybe he will spare me some happiness before I die

  • Kimberly Iluobe

    I really and enjoy Pursued………. lots of really good inspirational thoughts based on God’s promises

  • Shir

    Thank you for the good message, remindering us. My husband used me and the marriage to cover his seual affair with the girl who was married. Even they have got kids. He fooled me. After our marriage, his behaviour towards me drastically changed. At that time i was completely innocent of his affair but when i found out that his affair was our churchmate, i leave my husband and that church (JW) because i didnt get any justice. And know they labeled as an apostate and enely of God. I dont know why they are like that to me. Im the one who is a victim. I always praying but i feel im far away from God.