One day, you will thank God for all your Imperfections
You will value the power of God the moment you accept your imperfections. When you realize that there are things in life that you can’t do, you will learn to depend on Him and stop trusting in your own understanding. When that happens, you will encounter more of Him. You will know how important He is in your life. You will humbly ask for His guidance and follow His ways.
Your weaknesses can lead you closer to His heart. They can open your eyes and help you see the truth behind the situation you are facing. You may not appreciate its value for now, but the time will come when you will witness the things that God will do just to sustain you. He will let you see His unfailing grace, and He will perform miracles in your life. He is all you need. When you accept the truth that you can’t do everything on your own, you will grow closer to God, and you will treat Him as the reason for your existence.
Your imperfections are somehow blessings in disguise because they open your eyes to the things that you fail to appreciate. When you acknowledge what you can’t do, you will realize that you need a Savior. That feeling alone will lead you to have a humble heart to seek God above all else. It will push you to have faith in Him and stop trusting in your own understanding. It’s a blessing since it reminds you to stay closer to God and abide in His presence.
Maybe you find it hard to comprehend why God created you with limitations and weaknesses, but if you only accept them with all your heart, you will be able to treasure the His ways in your life. You may not always understand the way He does things, but it’s not about knowing what He is doing, but it’s about trusting Him despite everything. This life is all about staying in the arms of God despite all the imperfections you have.
You will never know who He is if not because of your weakness. Try to recall those moments when you face so many problems. It’s when you realize that you are just human, and there are things that you can’t control. Because of those difficult days, you learned to activate your faith, and you discover more of God. You encountered His love, and you witnessed His miracles in your life. Most of the time, you will receive more of God’s power in moments when you feel so tired and weak. When you can’t get up and stand on your own feet, that’s when God will prove to you who He truly is. That’s when He will give you the grace to overcome the obstacles in front of you.
You will only appreciate everything He did when you look back and reminisce His faithfulness. Sometimes, It’s really good to feel weak because that’s when the time when you stop relying on yourself and you learn to let go. It’s when you feel so vulnerable, and the hunger for love grows deeper when you feel so helpless because of your situation. When you feel weak, God will show you His strength.
One day, you will thank Him for creating you as an imperfect person because it leads you to become humble. It also opened your heart to His love which became the reason why you are now stronger than before. So when you feel so weak and burdened, and you think that’s there’s nothing that you can do, then come to God and allow Him to take good care of you. And it may be hard to comprehend, but He will turn your weaknesses into a vessel of His miracles and blessings.

One Comment
Nathaniel Myles
Amen! Thank You Jesus