One Day, Your Wounded Heart Will Become A Vessel Of God’s Love
Maybe you have a lot of questions in your mind. You started to doubt God because of the things that you’ve been going through. The pain you feel inside is too deep for you to handle, and you are wondering if you can make it or not. You may think that God already abandoned you, but one day, He will heal your heart and turn it into a vessel of love. Yes, it’s hard to understand His ways, but He is just doing what is best for you. So choose to endure and be patient with yourself. You will be restored. God will use your life to become a blessing to others. The purpose of your pain will never be in vain because what will happen after that is something that you can never comprehend.
He will teach you how to love those people who are struggling. Your wounds will inspire you to be compassionate to others. It will give you the courage to help those who are also in pain. Since you already experienced how difficult it is to go through that kind of season, you will also learn to understand those who are going through the same thing. If you allow God to mend the broken pieces of your heart, you will begin to see yourself reaching out for others. And sometimes, part of the healing process is also helping those who are deeply wounded. When you see other people feel relieved for what you did for them, your heart will also begin to heal.
The wounds you have inside will become a blessing one day. So please don’t take it as something against you. Maybe you can’t appreciate your situation because you are still in pain, but when you get through it, you will realize that the grace of God is the best blessing you ever received. It will make you feel humble. You will learn to rely on His goodness, and you will trust in His ways. You know that you are simply nothing without Him, and it became the reason for you to increase your faith. The wounds will turn into a scar, and the story behind it will become a message of hope to those who are also in pain.
God will never do something that will destroy you in the end. He wants you to experience the best things in life. So do not give up. Your situation right now is nothing compared to the great plans that God prepared for you. Yes, it’s hard and painful but let God comfort you in this season. Receive His sweet embrace and let His love give you rest.

Tirzah Mae
Thankyou for this. May the good Lord bless your page always. You are a light and a blessing to my life in this season. You were an instrument that made me not give up but to hold unto the promises of the Lord. Satan almost took over but by reading this page, I gained redemption in Christ. One day, when everything is fine I will share my story with you. Forever thankful Team PURSUED.
Keep on inspiring! God bless you!
Janine Grace
This is very timely for me ..