Self Development

One of the Greatest Gifts you can give is your Time

Gifts don’t always have to be so costly. You can serve and show your love to someone through your time. Just like how God treasures His time with you. He will always be there to show His love for you. So serving Him isn’t costly. Give Him your time, and you will eventually realize how He will work in your life. You will recognize that you are favored and blessed. You don’t have to sacrifice things just to be with Him.  Your time with Him is more than enough. 

Spend your days with God, and you will have a fulfilling day. Welcome Him in everything you do, even in the smallest and simplest things. Include Him from waking up in the morning till sleeping. He is your ultimate companion. Just speak to Him and utter the simplest prayers you can think of. He listens to you. He knows your language and understands you better than anyone. You can talk to Him like a friend. He loves to listen to how your day went, the people you met, and how you interacted with Him. 

Serving God’s people is also a form of loving Him. You can listen to a friend and be there for them. Sometimes, all they need is your presence. You do not have to do anything else. Your time itself is already essential for them. You can have quality time with the people you love and create memories that will last forever. You could also show your care in different ways. You can talk to them over the phone, chat, or email them. Giving them your time is more than enough. 

Spare time to yourself as well. Listen to your heart and evaluate your life. Look back on the things that give you happiness and pain. Work on yourself and continue learning. Remind yourself of the things you go through and how far you have reached. Remember how God blesses you despite all the hurdles you have to face. Take a look at how strong you have become. Treasure the values that you have learned and apply them. Brush off the things that are hurting you and submit them to God. Improve yourself every day, no matter how small it is. Build good habits. Read and fill your mind with wisdom. Serve and love so that you can feed your soul.  

Time cannot be bought, but you will always have it. The way you will spend it is already a gift. If you are worried, ask God to help you. Spend your time with Him and ask for His wisdom. Let Him guide you throughout your journey. Offer to Him all the days of your life, and He will give you what you deserve. Believe in Him. He never stops working in your life.