One of the Most Precious Resources that we have is our Time
You may think that you lack resources that’s why you miss so many opportunities in life, then you are wrong. God gave you one of the most valuable resources that He can give to human beings – it’s your time. If you are still breathing and reading this right now, then it means you are rich enough in the eyes of God. The time that you have is like a treasure that can help you prosper in this world. You just need to learn how to manage it in a way that pleases God.
Remember that you only have borrowed time. You never know when God will take it back. So while you are still here, learn to properly steward that precious treasure that He gave you. Don’t just use it for your own selfish desires. Sometimes, we tend to treat this life as our own. We forget that God is the One who gives it and takes it back. Be more conscious of how you use it, and you will be more fruitful.
Allow God to guide your schedule. Put Him at the center of your life, and don’t let your own desires dictate your day. Talk to Him first so that He can direct you to the path that He prepared. Try to evaluate the way you spend your time, and only then will you be able to determine what really matters most in your life. Remember that even the rich people can’t buy somebody’s time and add more days to their lives. It’s one of the things that don’t separate us from them. We are equal in the eyes of God, so might as well use what you have for His glory.
This life is not ours. God gave it to us for a purpose. Let’s not waste it as if we still have enough left. Let’s use our time to serve Him and His people. And only then will we gain eternal rewards that we can enjoy in the future.
When you put God first, He will give you the wisdom on how to manage your life in a way that honors His name. He will teach you how to maximize your time and not waste it just for entertainment. There’s nothing wrong with finding ways to entertain yourself and taking some rest, but if your time for pleasure is greater than your time for God, then you need to watch out because you might treat them as your idols. Consider the way you plot your time. Are you doing it to glorify yourself or to please God? It’s an important question that you need to ask yourself every time you determine your schedule. Use your time to multiply the blessings of God, and He will entrust you with even greater things.
Please don’t waste your time. Use it to improve yourself and to serve God’s people. Your life here on earth is too short compared to your time in Heaven. It’s eternal, and it will never end. So while you are still here, do your best to earn Heavenly treasures that you can carry with you through eternity. And that’s your faith in Jesus and the good things you did for others. Use your time to earn an eternal reward that will help you enjoy more of God’s presence. Don’t waste them on things that will just destroy you in the end.