
Open Up Your Bible And Remind Yourself Of God’s Promises

We will all experience moments in life when we just can’t find the light. We feel so down and lonely to the point that we wanted to give up and just leave everything. When you experience that dark seasons, then choose to open up your Bible and read the promises of God. Remind yourself of the great things that He prepared for you. Fill your mind with His words so that you will not be tempted to follow your feelings. Know that God’s plan is more wonderful than the situation that you are facing right now. And the challenges that you face can never compare to the future that your Heavenly Father prepared for you.  Just don’t forget His words and keep them inside your heart.

Release everything to God and after that, read His words. Surrender all the negative emotions you have inside. And know that He is listening to you. His presence will never fail to comfort you. Pour out the pain that you feel, and He will let His love move inside your heart. When you are done crying, pick up your Bible and go back to the promises that He gave to you. Read the inspiring stories of Jesus and remind yourself about the great things that He did in your life. Recall the Psalms of David, and choose to worship Him. There are a lot of stories that you can hold on to. Immerse yourself with Heavenly perspectives, and you will receive the strength that you need.

Take note of His promises. Write them in your journal and read all of them over and over again. Familiarize the words of God and put them inside your heart so that when you encounter so many problems. You will have a strong foundation, and you will receive enough grace. Remember that God is faithful, and His words are always true. Heaven and earth will fade away, but His words will never pass. So hold on to the things that will last forever.

The promises of God are like a powerful weapon against the negative thoughts inside your mind. It’s your sword against the lies of the enemies, so never forget them because it will save you from the problems you face. All you need to do is to open your heart and let God move in your life. He will be there to give you the faith that you need. Just remember His goodness when you feel so much pain inside, declare His promises, and you will overcome every problem that you will encounter.