Opportunities are God’s way of Leading you back to your Assignment
You may wonder why God surrounded you with a lot of opportunities right now, then maybe He is reminding you about your purpose here on earth. He is leading you back to your assignment. So if you don’t understand what’s going on, just talk to Him and remind yourself about the tasks that God wants you to do. Sometimes, your busy schedules made you forget about the important things that you need to prioritize. That’s why God is providing you with what you need so that you can begin your assignment. Whatever opportunities you have right now, use all of them for the glory of God. Make the most of the resources He has given you, and never waste His blessings.
Most of the time, the opportunity of God comes in unexpected ways. He can use the uncertainties in your life or perhaps your problems to wake you up from sleep. He will open your eyes so that you will be reminded about your assignment. Sometimes, He will also send people who will lead you to the right path. Whatever it is that God is doing, you need to trust Him even if you can’t comprehend everything. Just do the right thing and take the next step. Do it one at a time and be patient. You will soon get there. You will realize what God is doing behind the scene just to lead you back on track.
Do not complain. Instead, ask God about the things that you need to do to successfully finish your assignment. Be humble enough to acknowledge His will in your life. Stop following your selfish desires. Listen to His voice and use the blessings in front of you to glorify His name. He will give you instructions, and you only hear Him the moment you choose to surrender and let Him reign. Remember that every good thing you receive comes from God, and He has the reason why He gave you enough resources. One day, it will all make sense.
Just allow God to partner with you. Know that He will help you with your assignment. In fact, He already prepared everything for you. All you need to do is trust Him. You will feel so burdened if you keep things on your own. Allow God to do His thing. Cast all your worries and cares upon Him, and He will be there for you. He will open your eyes to the things that you can’t see. Soon you will learn to appreciate every opportunity that comes your way. This world needs something that only you can give. And that’s part of your assignment.

Nathaniel Myles